Sunday 5 June 2011

I DID IT!! 5km fun run this morning...

So this morning i get up at 6am and get ready to compete in my first ever marathon event, I am doing the BMA Mackay Marina 5km City Fitness Fun Run.
And i wake up with my husbands sore throat that he had kindly passed on during the night, GREAT!
So this, as well as no training for the past 2 weeks because of sickness, i thought i was destined to fail. But i hardened up and kept on going....
Got to the event about an hour early and was a little on the chilly side, but the sun soon came out..
So standing at the start line with my friend Belinda and her friend Julie...omg i was so nervous, but i have no idea why, it was just running and there were hundreds of people i could hide behind, Lol..
At 8:40am finally the start gun goes off.....was at walking pace until you could catch a gap around the walkers and then i spotted the family waiting on the sideline and i jog over to high five them, turn around and i've lost the girls...
But really, i wasn't there to do it with anyone, i was there to do it for myself, so off i jogged...i'm sure they didn't mind either, they went at their own pace!
I spotted another friend Meagan up ahead and gave her a friendly butt slap and some encouragement on the way past, hehe.....
Got to 1km and thought i was doing great, got to 2 km and thought wow i'm gunna die, Lol, but i soildered on...on my my own little world...i was actually enjoying it under the sun and through all the sweat dripping down my face.... And was i ever glad to see the water stand at 3.5km, my throat was so dry because of the air!
Down to the boat ramp i ran, and along the waterfront, 1km to go, this was the home stretch, OMG i was just about to complete a 5km run for the first time in my whole entire life! My friend Jodie who was so awesome and did the 8km earlier on spotted me at about 300 meters from the finish line and jogged with me for about 50m encouraging me on, then pushed me off and said "Go Girl". So that i did, i went for it...
I crossed over the finish line in 36 minutes and 50 seconds, i was super proud of myself, even if no-one else was!        


Thursday 26 May 2011

sick of being sick! i've had this flu/headcold thing for 3days now and i'm over it, so hard to function throughout the day let alone exercise!! And it's the second time i've been sick in a month!
Today and yesterday i didn't do anything, and while i feel extremely guilty about it, i know rest will do me good in the end. Hopefully i can get over it soon, i just wanna get out there and DO SOMETHING!

I can say however that i have really stuck to the nutrition plan, and with this program basing weight loss on 80% nutrition, 20% exercise...i still *should* be losing weight!!
The food is so yummy and fulfiling which makes it 1000 easier.

This is what i had for breakky this morning...low fat ricotta and tomato on soy and linseed toast, delish :)

Didn't take a pic of lunch, will tomorrow, coz i am having the same thing, it was devine... corn thins spread with avocado, topped with snow pea sprouts and turkey breast!
For dinner tonight was... grilled steak with a corn, roasted capsicum, avocado and lime juice salsa!!

Fingers crossed for an improvement tomorrow when i wake up, hoping to get to KiMax in the morning...

Monday 23 May 2011

Kick Off - Day 1

So today's the day the 12 WBT officially begins! Yaaay, so excited!!

I dropped Miss 4 off at Kindy then headed to the gym, put Mr 2 in the gym Kids Club and did the 9:15am Power Fit class (cross between Body Step and Body Pump), which i had only burnt around 280 calories by the time we had finished, so then i headed upstairs and did my 1km run for the fitness test on the treadmill (coz it was raining here today), 4 mins on Cross Trainer, 4 mins on Stepper and then as fast i could go on the Rower for 60 seconds, burnt a total of 604 calories, WOOP WOOP!!
Then i came home and did the rest of the Fitness Test. smile

I was extremely surprised and pretty stoked with my results. Thought they were going to be waaay worse!

When the weather clears up i am going to do the 1km run again, outside around near home and compare times.

1km run: 6 minutes 33 seconds
Push Ups (knees): 22
Sit Ups: Level 1 or below (can not do 1 at all, LOL)
Wall sit: 1 minute 2 seconds
Sit & Reach: +4cm

Cooked tonight's scheduled dinner: Salmon Stir-Fry with chinese broccoli and ginger (pictured), but substituted the Salmon for chicken, which we were allowed to do.
Surprisingly it was delicious and fulfilling, and Hubby absolutely loved it! And all only 315 calories!

Thursday 19 May 2011

12WBT Pre-season begins!

April 25th 2011 and pre-season for the 12WBT begins! And i can't wait to get into shape!

Pre-season tasks completed....

Task #2 "Get Real - No More Excuses"
My Excuses:

It's time to take full responsibility for myself, my body and how I think...
Internal Excuses:
- No motivation
- Too tired
- Don't have a babysitter
- Husband works away
- Don't have time today
- Not confident enough
- Scared i will fail
- Too unfit

- Get motivated!
- Go to bed earlier!
- Workout while my Mum isnt at work so she can look after kids!
- Go to gym in kids club hours!
- Make time!
- Just think....there are people bigger than me out there doing it!
- Think positive, i CAN and WILL succeed!
- I may be unfit now, but if i put my mind to it and get moving i WILL get FIT!

External Excuses within my control:
- It's too hot/cold
- It's raining
- Gym is closed

- Workout indoors with aircon/heating on
- Workout at the gym
- Workout in the park or at home

External Excuses outside my control:
- Kids are sick
- Major weather crisis ... eg, Cyclone, Floods.

- Make up for it once they are well
- Make up for it once weather is fine again

Task #3 "Take Control- Set Your Goal"
My Goals:

1 month goals:
- Lose 2kg
- Run 2km without stopping

How will I get there:
- Follow 12WBT program
- Better food choices
- Up my water consumption
- Start off running in short bursts then build up distance
3 month goals:
- Lose 5kg
- Run 5km without stopping

How will I get there:
- Follow 12WBT program
- Continue eating well
- Keeping on top of my water consumption
- Train and exercise hard NO excuses
- Continue building up distance from 2km
6 month goals:
- Lose 10kg and be close to 70kg
- Run 10km without stopping
- Fit into size 12 clothing

How will I get there:
- Follow 12WBT program
- Continue eating well
- Keeping on top of my water consumption
- Train and exercise hard NO excuses
- Continue building up distance from 5km
12 month goals:
- Lose 15-20kg, to be around 65kg
- Run a half marathon (14km)
- Fit into my year 12 graduation dress (size 10 top, 12 bottom) comfortably

How will I get there:
- Follow 12WBT program
- Continue eating well
- Keeping on top of my water consumption
- Train and exercise hard NO excuses
- Continue building up distance from 10km

Task #5 "Say It Out Loud"
My Committment:

“My commitment to myself, my family and to Mish is…

I will give 110% to the 12WBT program and become a healthier, happier and skinnier Mum and Wife….
I will lose between 5-10kg during the program…
I will continue to make better eating choices…
I will run a 5km fun run by the end of the program…
I will be wearing a size 12 dress at the finale party…
...and I am committed to do the work to get me there.


Task #8 "Measure Up"
My Measurements:

Okay….so here are my much embarrassing measurements, taken yesterday,
18th May 2011…

Weight:     81.6kg            Arms:                      32cm
Chest:       103cm            Right Thigh:            64cm
Waist:       106cm            Left Thigh:              64cm
Hips:         114cm

These have slightly improved in the last 2 months, however they are going to improve by a HELL OF ALOT in the next 12 weeks!!

These were my measurements on, 28th February 2011: (just to show difference)

Weight:     86.7kg            Arms:                      34cm
Chest:       108cm            Right Thigh:            67cm
Waist:       107cm            Left Thigh:              67cm
Hips:         118cm

MONDAY 23RD MAY 2011..!!!

End of Pre-Season photos, ready for Kick Off on Monday!

Photos taken today 19th May 2011.

Gym Time!

So the day after my daughters 4th birthday i joined one of the local gyms!
And a week later had my program set up for me and away i exercised....and i started to LOVE it. I actually got sick about 4 weeks into it, and really missed going!

My measurements when i joined on February 28th 2011 were:

Chest:108cmRight Thigh:67cm
Waist:107cmLeft Thigh:67cm

Rested Heart Rate: 96bpm (i think, 90 something anyway)


I then found out a couple of weeks later that Round 2 2011 of the Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation program was due to start in May, with Pre-season starting in April. I was set on joining up to that the second it opened!

Roughly one month after joining the Gym, i had my measurements done again, results are as follows, 5th April 2011:

Chest:107cmRight Thigh:65cm
Waist:107cmLeft Thigh:65cm

Rested Heart Rate: 68bpm

So although i didn't have great measurement and weight loses for the month, my rested heart rate improved massively! Which i thought was a huge improvement in my fitness, so was stoked about that!

This is who I am

I am 26, FAT and unhappy with my body image, i had gained 25kg in 8 years and it's disgusting, i feel disgusting!

I was around 60kg when i started dating my now husband over 9 years ago.
Here is a pic of me in 2001, (dressed up as a rapper, Lol) .... so 10 years ago!
Man i had a great body then!

Slowly over the years i have gained and gained, probably mainly due to a slack diet and stopped exercising once i left school, basically...i became LAZY!

I was 76kg when i fell pregnant with my daughter in May 2006, she's now 4 years old. Got back down to 71kg 4 weeks after giving birth, then stopped breastfeeding.....WHOA didnt the weight just stack back on then!

Then i was 78kg when i fell pregnant with my son in June 2008, he's now 2 years old and 87kg at full term.
After he was born i stayed around 84-85kg.

This family pic was taken in May 2010

In February this year i was my heaviest ever at 86.7kg.....MY GAWD....that's almost the same weight i was full term pregnant, scary! It was then that i KNEW i needed to do something about my weight, and decided to join the gym!!!